TEXAS governor to reject new refugees under Trump Order, which slashes refugee limits to all time low of 18,000 refugees allowed into US for the 2020 fiscal year

TEXAS governor to reject new refugees under Trump Order, which slashes refugee limits to all time low of 18,000 refugees allowed into US for the 2020 fiscal year
The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, on Friday, said the Texas state will not accept new refugees under the US government’s resettlement programme as Texas had done “more than its share” for the refugee resettlement programme.
The Trump Order means that Texas will become the first US state known to do so, after the US President Donald Trump signed an executive order allowing states to opt out of the programme in 2019 and the US slashing refugee limits to an all-time low of 18,000 afterTrump suspended the US refugee programme
Texas holds a large refugee population across many of its major cities.
Justifying his decision in a letter to the US State Department, the Republican governor of Texas Mr Abbott argued that the state should be focused on “those who are already here, including refugees, migrants, and the homeless – indeed, all Texans”.
On that basis, Mr Abbott said he “cannot consent to initial refugee resettlement” in 2020, but added that the decision “does not deny any refugee access” to the US.
Refugees who are already settled in other states, Mr Abbott said, will be allowed to move to Texas if they choose. However, resettlement agencies say they would not have access to federal resettlement benefits, such as housing.
In September 2019, President Donald Trump announced that states must actively consent to any resettlement of refugees after June 2020.
So far, the governors of more than 40 other US states have said they will opt in to the government programme.
The Trump administration has taken a touch stance against immigration and refugees , seeking to reduce the number of immigrants and refugees coming to the US. A controversial travel ban on mostly Muslim countries is one policy Trump has pursued to do this.
The travel ban affects nationals from seven countries, five of which are majority Muslim: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. The other two are North Korea and Venezuela.
The Associated Press reports that the Trump administration will seek to expand the travel ban to additional countries, despite being repeatedly thwarted by legal challenges.
On the other side of the World, South Africa has brought in New Refugee Laws which came into effect on 1 January 2020 seen by many as targeting political dissidents as they prohibit refugees from participating in political activities related to their countries of origin
South Africa has gazetted the amendment to refugee laws which has left exiled politicians living in South Africa feeling free speech has now been stifled with effect from 1 January 2020
The new refugee laws prohibit refugees from participating in political activities relating to their countries of origin Sibusiso Ngwenya-bbc
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